Are You Ready for Kindle Self Publishing?

There are now many independent authors that utilize self publishing books UK. They do not use any agents and sell their books directly to the readers.

Self-publishing your book has both good and bad points, but if you go down this path you have the potential to earn more than others who have agents and publishing houses that work on their books for them.

The reason for this is that agents and other entities usually take a large percentage of sales as commission. By using tools such as Kindle self publishing, you can drastically reduce that amount so more money goes into your pocket for every book sold.

There are a lot of things to consider if you want to self-publish, but Amazon book publishing UK definitely makes the task easier.

In 2020, over 191 million ebooks have been sold, and you can certainly take a piece of that pie. Many independent writers can earn 1,000 dollars off their books per month.

These figures can easily increase the more titles you put out. You can also earn more as you market yourself and gain more popularity.

You can write about different topics and subjects, and there is a market for any topic under the sun. You can even convert your manuscripts easily into an ebook! However, this raw document will not yet be fully ready until you consider some very important factors.

For your ebook to be professional looking, you must consider an eye-catching book cover. A book cover design UK is attention grabbing and can tell readers what to expect from your book at a glance.

Book covers are often neglected but they are very critical in the success of your book. Just like packaging for cereal boxes or soda cans, the visual appeal of your book can definitely impact sales numbers.

Speaking of visuals, you might also consider having illustrations and figures in your book. This can include tables, maps, comic strips, artwork, photos, and other elements that are interspersed through the walls of text that your manuscript contains.

This gives a break to your readers and keeps them engaged for longer. Reading text can cause strain and boredom, so including illustrations as a form of intermission for your ebook is a must.

Of course, you would also need to have your document proofread. This includes grammar checks, checking for the correct tone and voice, correcting inconsistencies in thought, possibly rearranging or removing paragraphs, and even a little fact checking.

You definitely do not want to be called out for not crossing your T’s and dotting your I’s. There is even a copy of the Bible where you can read about children being “killed” rather than “filled”. This wouldn’t have happened if there was a proofreader on duty that day.

Some ebooks also have author information included, as well as copyright notices. The former is to allow readers to communicate with you while the latter is to add some legality about illegal distribution of your ebook.

Other things that you need to consider before you publish your book is

  • How much will it be priced?
  • Who are you targeting with your book?
  • How do you market it?

If you want things done right on the items above, you can just hire pros that can do a better job compared to if you would DIY it.

Photographers, illustrators, professional editors, and maybe marketing personnel can all help you create the perfect book and market it successfully. There are many companies and even freelancers that will be able to support these needs.

By following the tips that we have given you, you can create a book that is good, catchy, and really has a lot of promise to sell well.

You want your book to be good. You also want it to sell and reach more people. Complete your book outside of having a finished manuscript and take heed of advice mentioned above, and you will be able to do just that.

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